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-By Zik Gbemre



I'm not surprised reading in the media that two weeks after Delta state Governor Sheriff Oborevwori inaugurated a Management Committee to cater for residents who survived the Nigerian Army vengeful invasion and destruction of Okuama in Ughelli South LGA over killing of 17 soldiers, the camp is yet to take off.


From the pictures flagged in the papers and the explanation of the Chairman of the Committee, Abraham Ogbodo, it is obvious that Governor Oborevwori was more interested in the media show of promoting his false concern over the plight of Okuama people.


The governor, jumping faster than his legs, inaugurated an IDPs Camp Committee without the readiness of the designated Ewu Grammar School old wing site for take- off of the exercise.


What was the haste by the governor to inaugurate an Okuama IDPs Camp Management Committee with the designated site uninhabitable?


This was a governor who had been unfeeling for weeks about the plight of Okuama people have suffered untold hardship living rudderless in the bush like wild animals after the destruction of the entire community except for one Anglican Church building.


One would have expected Oborevwori to have made haste, get the camp ready before considering inaugurating a management team. If you ask, Oborevwori had no reason inaugurating the Ogbodo led Committee at Asaba.  For what?


The proper thing was to inaugurate the committee at the ready camp at Ewu main town which would have signaled- the takeoff of operations to start receiving the Okuama IDPs immediately. Okuama people need peace, food, shelter and resettlement into their ancestral home.


While Ogbodo assured of the camp opening this week, given enormity of the refurbishment needed to make the abandoned structures habitable, the paltry N10Million takeoff fund released to the Committee shows how shallow minded the governor is.


The PDP hegemony of mediocre governance over Delta state have continued to deteriorate with every successive administrations. It is the height of it that this time around, the cabal chose the most timid, unfit and uninformed local champion to be governor.


The result is what Deltans are currently faced with. A governor without capacity, yet surrounded by "dried woods", spent politicians and sons and daughters of the cabal as cabinet members and advisers.


A governor more prominent in wishing political associates birthday wishes on behalf of Deltans or gracing their funerals or children's welding parties than striving to bring development to the people.


Deltans, your pain has just started, with a one chance governor at the helm of affairs.


Zik Gbemre

May 7,2024




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